Public Projects
Bids Due in 24 days
4/21/25 2:00pm
RFP - Recycling, Compost & Trash Collection & Processing Services
Bids Due in 24 days
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Recycling, Compost & Trash Collection & Processing Services for specific locations within the EPRPD. The successful Proposer will be required to furnish all labor, vehicles, containers, equipment, facilities, and administrative and supervising personnel required to provide the collection, transportation and processing or disposal of recycling, compost and trash in accordance with the EBRPD specifications.
Bids Due in 6 days
4/3/25 5:00pm
RFP - Environmental Health and Industrial Hygiene Services
Bids Due in 6 days
East Bay Regional Park District
Project Description The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified environmental health and industrial hygiene consultants (Consultant) for services related but not limited to the disciplines of asbestos, lead, mold, respirable silica, indoor air quality, and environmental site assessments, with intent to enter into an agreement with a selected Consultant to serve as its primary Park District-wide provider. The agreement (Agreement) period is three (3) years beginning approximately on or after June 4, 2025, and terminating approximately on or after on June 3, 2028, with an option to negotiate up to two (2) one-year extensions, or one two-year extension at the discretion of the Park District and upon agreement by the Park District and the Consultant. This Agreement will support the Park District’s Risk Management Department on an on-call and as-needed basis with workplace health and safety programs for the Park District and to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Bidding Closed
2/20/25 5:00pm
RFP - Hazardous Waste Transportation & Disposal Services
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified hazardous waste transportation and disposal Contractors (Contractors) for hazardous waste pickup, transportation, and disposal services with intent to enter into an agreement with a selected Contractor to serve as its primary District-wide provider. The agreement (Agreement) period is three (3) years beginning approximately on or after April 16, 2025, and terminating approximately on or after on April 15, 2028, with an option to negotiate up to two (2), one-year extensions at the discretion of the Park District and upon agreement by the Park District and the Contractor.
Bidding Closed
2/6/25 2:00pm
RFP - Architectural & Engineering Design/Build-Bridging Consulting Services
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting proposals from professional architectural consultants to provide Design/Build-Bridging documents for a proposed new service yard project at Point Pinole Regional Shoreline in Richmond, California. The selected consultants will have proven experience in producing Design/Build-Bridging documents and be fully qualified to perform the services requested by the Park District in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
Bidding Closed
1/7/25 2:00pm
RFP Engineering Services for the Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting proposals from engineering firms to provide professional services to develop site improvements at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, which is a former landfill site. The Scope of Services includes identifying a feasible route to connect proposed infrastructure to a municipal sewer system, regulatory permitting, code compliance, cost estimating, meetings and presentations, construction bid documents, construction bid support, and construction administration support.
Bidding Closed
10/21/24 2:00pm
RFP - Inventory of Redwood Forest to inform development of Redwood Forest Management Plan
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (“Park District”) is soliciting proposals from environmental and forestry firms to provide professional services to design a forest inventory plan, perform geospatial data analysis and implement the forest. This data will be used to inform the development of a Redwood Forest Management Plan. The proposed inventory area for the Park District is an estimated 700 acres of second/third generation redwood forest and mixed hardwood/redwood forest.
Bidding Closed
10/10/24 2:00pm
RFP - Engineering Services for the Sewer Connection Project at Roberts
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
In 2023, the Park District completed the renovation of its pool facility at Roberts Regional Recreation Area in Oakland, California. As part of the permitting process for the project, the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health required the Park District, as part of a Phased Correction Action Plan, to connect Roberts’ facilities to a municipal sewer system.
Bidding Closed
6/13/24 5:00pm
RFP (Reissue) - Lower Walnut Creek Channel Project
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) invites proposals from qualified professional consultants to provide planning and design services for two proposed segments of the Iron Horse Trail along lower Walnut Creek in north central Contra Costa County.
Bidding Closed
6/14/24 5:00pm
RFP - Point Pinole Trail Riparian Restoration Project – Tree Removal
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The District is seeking proposals from experienced, reputable, and qualified Licensed Timber Operators and Tree Service Contractors to remove $60,000 of Eucalyptus, Redwood, and blackberry within Point Pinole Regional Shoreline as part of an ongoing restoration project to restore fresh water riparian connectivity to the Bay marshes.
Bidding Closed
6/3/24 5:00pm
RFQ - Conservation Lands On-Call Services
Bidding Closed
East Bay Regional Park District
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is issuing this Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) to identify firms that can implement a variety of resource monitoring and management tasks on Park District properties under special conservation status. This includes properties subject to conservation instruments (e.g., conservation easements or deed restrictions) established to meet resource agency mitigation requirements to compensate for impacts to protected species or habitats. Such instruments are often accompanied by long-term management plans that include specific monitoring, management, and reporting requirements. The Park District will select qualified firms through an open and competitive process to develop an on-call list of pre-approved consultants.