RFP Engineering Services for the Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline

The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is soliciting proposals from engineering firms to provide professional services to develop site improvements at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, which is a former landfill site. The Scope of Services includes identifying a feasible route to connect proposed infrastructure to a municipal sewer system, regulatory permitting, code compliance, cost estimating, meetings and presentations, construction bid documents, construction bid support, and construction administration support.
RFI Response (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
142400 Oyster Bay_RFI RESPONSE_2024.12.19 322.4 KB
Specifications (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
142400 Oyster Bay RFP Engineering Services.2024.11.26 1.9 MB
Attachment 5 Planning and CEQA Documents .zip 48.4 MB